Special Brew, Clumsiness and Shameless Plugging

Its Friday again, which means its time for another blog, and due to continuous blagging from "Mr Ben Early" about mentioning him in my blog, yes that's "Mr Ben Early", I'll say it again "Mr Ben Early" (that was for you google). I thought I'd better get cracking with this weeks tales. Its been a very upside down week for me this week as due to unforeseen circumstances I've had my youngest son Nathan staying with me all week. I've also been working this week so I've been dropping Nathan of at school on my way into work. Now I'm not the type to be prejudice, but honestly waiting outside to pick him up, it was like waiting in line for a Chav version of X Factor. Where the winner is the mum who comes to school wearing the most nightwear, at the most inappropriate time. And most of the men are waiting for the off licence to open so they can get their daily Special Brew. And people wonder why they are stereotyped Seriously its bizarre.

Also this week I've managed to destroy the screen on my laptop, in what was a spectacular display of clumsiness that even outdoes my teenage son. (for those of you that have or know teenagers, you will know that their arms are not attached to the torso). As I was ironing, yes ironing, I was listening to a podcast on my laptop, I turned round and knocked my laptop of the table, quick reactions (like a cat) meant that i grabbed it quickly with my forefinger and thumb. The only problem with this is that my giant hands and excessive strength meant that my thumb went straight through the laptop LCD (DOH!!!!!!). I now have a big black splodge in the top of my screen to remind me of my clumsiness. Oh well eBay here we come (other online auction sites are available but not necessarily as good).

For the last section of this blog I'm going to do some unashamed plugging for work, and the competition that we are running for our 30th birthday celebrations. We are running a poll to find out peoples favourite memories from the 1980's (hang on, I hear you cry I wasn't born then) Don't worry if you weren't around then, everyone knows something about the 1980's, If you don't make it up or google it ???. The grand prize is over 50 pounds worth of valeting products, yes that's right over 50 pounds worth of valeting products. Hope you have fun remembering things from your childhood, I have and I'll be posting them on  Bullseye's Facebook Page over the coming month.

In the words of Berk " Don't you open that Trap Door "

This blog is dedicated to the memory of John Summers R.I.P


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