Revolving Doors, Mayonnaise and Party Hats

Hello everyone, Those of you who read this regularly will notice that the website keeps on changing, mainly because I couldn't decide on a format and stick with it. Although now I'm very happy with how it looks and works now after endless hours of tampering with everything in the layout. I hope you agree and like the new look. I've also this week been getting very annoyed with major supermarkets (no names mentioned). And there insistent policy of fitting revolving doors to the outside of supermarkets. Now I work in retail and I've always been taught that an open door is an invitation to come in and browse (See Stacy I was paying attention). But supermarkets seem to have this policy of fitting revolving doors instead. Now this wouldn't be a problem if they worked, but they never do, so instead its like total wipeout just getting into the door. And woe betide if your trying to fit a trolley into that rapidly diminishing gap. Not only that but after the trauma of leaping into the door way. You then find yourself trapped in the middle with an old couple, and because the doors have a magic sensor, that if you get within six foot of the door, they stop revolving. This is because the whole inside of the revolving door is less than six foot and this creates a revolving door paradox. So after fighting my way out from the door, by the time I get into the supermarket foyer, I've completely forgotten what I went in for and am just looking to escape, Unfortunately the only way out is through the same door. They can invent technology that embeds a chip into your smartphone to pay for goods at the tills, but you cant actually get into the shop to buy anything because they haven't mastered the art of the door.

Whilst I'm having a mini rant, I'd also like to vent my anger towards pre packaged sandwiches. Now been the 21st century everyone is on the move 24/7 so pre packaged sandwiches are the staple diet of many a sales rep. Now I know I have a lot of food fetishes, but why does every sandwich in the world contain mayonnaise. No matter what the combination of ingredients, be it bacon, chicken. cheese. They all contain mayonnaise. So because I don't like mayo, I very rarely eat pre packed sarnies. But the other day I was caught short for some lunch, so I had to get one. I spent ages looking through the packages. I found a really nice looking chicken, bacon and lettuce sandwich, with no mention of mayo on the packet. It was like all my Sundays had come at once. NO after careful checking (because you have to), MAYONNAISE. ARRRGGGHHH, and after closer inspection, the back of the pack has the dreaded words, In small print I might add, "Contains egg mayonnaise!". It doesn't end there, Most Fast food outlets also do the same thing with there burgers. "Can I have a burger please, WITHOUT mayo as I don't like it" And they look at you like you've asked if you can sleep with there partners or something. Why does no one do food where you can choose whether you want mayo or not on it. You can get organic eggs, gluten free bread, lactose free milk. but can you get a sandwich without mayo .... NO more chance of platting fog (As my nanna used to say)

As I'm writing this I'm sat wearing a party hat. No not because Ive gone insane, but because its Sam's birthday today at work. And as his special treat he's asked that everyone wears a Party Hat. Now I think that this is a genius idea, So I'll have to think of a plan to usurp him when its my birthday in November. Who knows we may be sat here wearing full stormtrooper costumes or dressed as Master Chief. Or everyone has to wish me Happy Birthday in Klingon. Oh the fun I could have.

See you all soon, See you in hell ....... Muhahahaha !!!!


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