Little Green Men, Racehorses and Antisocial Networking
Hello everyone, its blog day again and you know what that means, yes usually more random drivel from Doncaster's top paper folder. On the subject of paper folding, Masterchief is now complete and I've now started work on a 2 foot tall Yoda for my sister (yes she's almost as bad as me) so in honour of the little green Jedi master I'll disperse some random Yoda quotes throughout the blog this week. "Lost a planet, Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing… how embarrassing.". Also on the Science Fiction theme that seems to invade my life, I've started working with 3D rendering software in my spare time (yes I have lots) to design and manipulate the ship models from EvE online, and export them into a program that designs papercraft models by flattening out 3D images, so far its all a work in progress, but when I've mastered it I'll actually post instructions and the finished patterns on the blog on a separate page so those of you that are interested in how to export the models, or just want to have a go at building an awesome space ship. If your interested in the Yoda model I'll post the model link , and the program you need to produce it on my Downloads Section. (When its finished check back regularly)
Has anyone got 10 Pence ..... Please !!
"Much to learn, you still have." My healthier eating still seems to be going okay, I tend to have bread only once a week, I'm eating quite a lot of fruit as well (And not the ones wrapped up and bar shaped, Oh wait that's chocolate). But the biggest change so far to my daily routine is water. I'm drinking nearly 2 litres a day of the bloody stuff, and I'm only having about 3 cups of coffee a day (from about 10 - 15, that's an improvement). The only problem with drinking loads of water is that it makes me piss like a racehorse (I've never quite understood that metaphor. Does someone go around and measure the cubic capacity of a racehorse's urine sample, and compare it against a working horse. Thus determining that racehorses have a larger urine output than other members of the equine race. And then comparing that amount to the amount that Homo Sapiens produces on an average day, unless he's drunk 2 litres of water a day, and then its higher than average. I realise at this point I am just rambling and cant actually remember the start of what I was writing ... Ah yes here we go). Now I'm hoping that It's down to the amount of water and not the fact that I'm getting older and my bladder is getting weak. Either way I seem to be spending a lot of time staring at white porcelain.
Facebook's new Indifference button
"Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you?" Finally this week, I've eventually got round to putting a new screen into the laptop so I can get online a bit more without having to sit upstairs out of the way like a naughty school child. So expect me to start popping up a bit more on Facebook and Twitter, as I haven't been very social recently on them. (You could say that I was Anti-Social Networkng ... see what I did there). Although I quite like the idea of Anti Social, Social Networking it could really take off. You could log on to your account, Completely ignore what all your Friends are writing (that's if you've even accepted any). You could post a status update containing nothing. You could even not poke or touch anyone in a anyway as well. I think loads of people would join. The only paradox is how to invite them .... Hmmmm? Anyway I'm going now to enjoy the weekend, although it will be slightly spoiled if a certain finger wagging German wins the World Championship. But I'll leave you with another Yoda gem. "So certain are you. Always with you it cannot be done. Hear you nothing that I say?"
really good MR barlow :D