Well hello, fancy seeing you here, but now that you've stopped by have a look at this weeks ramblings. You might like it, you might not but if you do please feel free to comment. Anyway I've been waiting for an important email this week regarding an issue with Microsoft but that's another story for another day. What I wanted to say is that every time I check my email inbox I seem to be inundated with the same spam emails. Now I'm sure you've all experienced this and its not only me although the frequency with which they come through and the subject matter is making me wonder whether I am in some way inadequate. The first one I always seem to get is the favourite Cheap Viagra spam email. Now I could cope with one of these a day, but the next email that comes is always about penis enlargement. Now I've had no complaints in the trouser department before but now I'm starting to think that maybe my computer knows something I don't. And it's making me a little uneasy. Its one thing when a spurned girlfriend says that your manhood didn't quite live up to the hype (I'd like to point out that this hasn't happened and I'm not drawing from personal experience although some might say he doth protest to much) But it's quite another when you get repeated emails telling you that you could gain those missing couple of inches. Also I'm forever getting emails regarding cheap Canadian prescription medicine. Now I don't want to state the obvious but what use is cheap prescription medicine from Canada when I live in bloody England. Yes doctor I've got a cold but don't bother giving me some antibiotics I could order them via the Internet from Canada and I'd save 1.50. I might of died by the time they reach me. But think of the savings. Seriously why can't you get good spam mail
Cripes !!
I'm starting to wonder about my own sanity or maybe the sanity of my son. Now this isn't quite as dramatic as it sounds it's just that I don't seem to understand. So maybe that's because I'm a little bit crazy (as seal once said) or my son needs some sort of therapy. What am i talking about you wonder ?? I'll tell you. Monkeys !! yes Monkeys !!. Now I don't see what the fuss is about, yes some of them are small and quite cute looking. Especially when they do human type activities. But to Lewis a monkey is the funniest thing on the planet. Every time he sees a picture of one, or one appears on that magic black box on the wall that shows moving pictures. He absolutely looses it and cracks up howling. I'm not joking. I can guarantee that when he reads this and sees the picture he'll laugh that hard he'll almost hyper ventilate. Now I know that I've got a somewhat warped sense of humour at times, and some people don't quite get me. But Monkeys !!, what the hell is so funny about a monkey. It doesn't just end there either. He found a picture of a horse the other day on his phone and nearly wet himself. Surely this must be a disorder of some type Laughwhenyouseeamonkeyitis or something because its surely not normal, is it ??.
Also this week on a slightly topical note the outgoing Italian comedian (Sorry I meant Prime minister) has released an album of love songs. Now I think this is a work of genius, For those of you that don't know who Silvio Berlesconi is, he is a legendary womaniser, who makes Max Mosley look like a Sunday school teacher. This has got me thinking about other people who ought to release completely inappropriate albums. Imagine for instance Professor Stephen Hawking singing the songs of Kraftwerk. I think he'd do a good rendition of computer love. What about Sepp Blatter sings Michael Jackson's Black or white. Or how about Gary Glitter singing "Do you wanna be in my gang?" hang on a minute ..... That's real, Get outta town. Lindsay Lohan sings Jane's Addiction "Been caught stealing" perhaps or my favourite Charlie Sheen's rendition of the Hot Chocolate classic "So you win again !".
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