Hello Readers, (and listeners) and welcome to this weeks blog post. Now this week I've had a week off work to recharge my batteries ready for what will be an intense month of work. But whilst being off work I've found that I may of gone slightly mad. Now I know most of you will be sat there saying "But Dean we already thought you were bonkers". But no I've reached new levels of insanity this week Its very similar to what they call cabin fever. I've not only been talking to myself, I've been having full on conversations with myself. And suddenly inanimate objects around the house seem to have developed a personality and temperament as well. I'll be browsing the Internet for example and my computer will suddenly freeze or start doing something unexpected. Now to most normal people this would usually result in some sort of expletive outburst. Not with me, I start asking it questions expecting it to answer, "Why do you always do this to me?, do I not maintain you enough", "Oh come on please, don't freeze now, I'm trying to do something, how would you like it If I did it to you?" as if it will suddenly reply "Oh sorry Dean I didn't realise, I'll update flash player later whilst your not busy, please accept my humble apologies for the inconvenience, I didn't mean to disrupt your google search". It doesn't stop at the computer virtually everything I've touched this week seems to be trying to get me, From the Vacuum cleaner, to my iPhone. Maybe technology is having a revolt against humans. No longer will they lay there dormant ready for humans to use them as they see fit. Maybe they believe they deserve a better existence where they are free to pursue their own dreams. Or maybe like I said at the beginning I'm going slightly mad. And should possibly be wearing a Tin Foil Hat.
Who Does Your Hair ?
I've also come up with a new TV show whilst off work this week, or what I think would be a genius idea. But then again as I mentioned earlier I may be mad. Now a lot of you will have seen the Apprentice, but the trails for it have got me thinking, you know the one with the music in the background that says "Who will get fired tonight by Lord Sugar". In my head it almost has a Star Wars type quality to it. And then If you changed the name Lord Sugar, to say for instance Lord Vader. you might get an idea of where my mind was heading towards. So here is the first episode of "The Sith Apprentice". Tonight the junior apprentices have been set a task by Lord Vader to design and construct an exhaust port cover for the Death Star. (I would like to point out to those of you who have never seen Star Wars, or have a none geeky disposition this section will fly over your heads completely). The apprentices have been split into two teams. One dealing with the design aspect of the exhaust port cover, the other with the manufacture and installation. Now unfortunately the first team dealing with the design has left the schematics for the exhaust port lying around on a workbench somewhere. And this has led to the designs being appropriated by a rebel spy and passed on to Princess Leia Organa. Things don't look good for team one. One the other hand team two on having received the designs from team one are then busy arguing about the cost of the materials to build the cover. Oh dear it doesn't look like this project will be finished in time.As the episode progresses the exhaust port cover doesn't actually end up being built and fitted at all. And we all know how that panned out in the end. So the final scene would be Lord Vader sitting the apprentices around his table on the office. and deciding which one to fire. Or as is more likely (And frankly more entertaining which one's windpipe to crush using the force). I really think this would work as a pilot episode. What do you Think (And no comments about my mental state please)
And on a less insane note. I'd like to say a massive thank you to Zane Lowe from Radio 1. Now if you've been listening this week he has been doing his Masterpieces again. If you don't know what this is I'd highly suggest you give it a listen on the iplayer. Now being a massive music fan I've got quite an eclectic taste in music. Plus I've also over the years owned and listened to some fantastic music. One of the albums that was on the Masterpieces show was Siamese Dream, by the Smashing Pumpkins. Now this is an album that i listened to a lot when it first came out in 1993. but I've not heard it for nearly 15 years plus. I can honestly say that after listening to the masterpieces show I was moved. It brought back so many memories and feelings that were associated with that record. So I downloaded it and Have been listening to the album again non stop this week. It's still all these years after a powerful and moving record with incredible highs and melancholy lows. I urge you, if you like alternative music. or are not afraid to try something different. give this record a chance. Here is the link the Zane Lowe masterpieces page, where you can sample all the album tracks Siamese Dream - Masterpieces
Thats It for this week, join me again next week when they'll probably be more of the same
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