Barrel Fires, CH4 and Rankings

Its cold outside!
Hello there and welcome to more insane ramblings from the 5672nd most popular blog site on the Internet (Caution statistics may be incorrect) This week has seen the public sector walk out on strike on Wednesday in a dispute over their pensions. Now I'm not going to go into the politics of this at all. What I want to know, and I'm sure most other people out there (well those with a lot of time on their hands to ponder stupid rhetorical questions anyway) is, as I was driving by our local ambulance station and glanced at the picket line. They were all stood around an oil drum fire. Now my question is this, where do they get these oil drums from to make fires on the picket line? do they have a special cupboard located somewhere that says "In case of strike, break glass" to get to the oil barrel?. Do the unions provide them with a special strike kit containing Traffic Cones, Placards, Pens and an Oil Barrel? Or do they store them in the loft with all the Christmas decorations, "whilst your getting the baubles down Jeff, will you fetch me the oil drum, We're on strike tomorrow. Regardless, I reckon that I could make a small fortune on this idea. hire myself a truck and go round and collect a load of barrels. then the day before a strike go round to the various site and offer them the chance to purchase their very own oil drum, I could also sell accessories such as kindling sticks, BBQ lighter fluid, and even old copies of the daily mail to get the fire started. Genius (don't you think)

It was the dog love .. honest !
Also this week, whilst eating my tea I think that I have solved the world energy crisis. Whats the answer Dean I hear you shout "What's the answer Dean" I'll tell you.Brussel sprouts. yes those unassuming round green pieces of veg that all children think are disgusting. Well me being a grown up (insert derogatory comment here) I quite enjoy a nice sprout. but why are they the answer to the energy crisis. let me tell you. Since eating sprouts on Wednesday night I haven't stopped trumping since. every time I eat them, I produce enough methane to power a small community. So my idea is (I'm full of them this week, as well as explosive methane) to sit a group of men in a specially constructed room that has a gas extraction unit attached after eating a plate full of sprouts. Then let nature take its course. This should in effect provide enough gas to cook your Xmas turkey. In fact if you think about it you've almost created a perfect cycle of energy. Eat sprouts, trump, provide enough energy to cook Xmas lunch, which will contain, yes sprouts and by the time you've finished, your safe in the knowledge that the sprout power will cook that boxing day ham. you could go on indefinitely. See problem solved. Easy.

This isn't the hanger !
I'd like to officially announce that one of my blog posts has made it into the first page of google's search results for Deans Weekly Blog. I'm number six at the moment, above me is some random guy blogging about real estate, but hey who cares!. (And before anyone starts, who here can honestly say they have never typed their name into google. See I'm not weird). But the thing I've noticed about that blog post is that it contains the Lego star wars wallpaper that I had on my desktop. And apparently people searching for Lego wallpaper are being routed to my blog site. So in this vain, to shamelessly direct more traffic I'm gonna post another one (I have no shame) in the hop e of driving my numbers up. And if you are reading this after navigating to my site to download the wallpaper, stay a while, have a read. Its a lot of fun. I do this every week, most weeks its pretty bad, some weeks its even badder (And i mean bad as in good, because I'm from the 1980's). If not thanks for dropping by and I'll see you again sometime when i shamelessly post another wallpaper hoping to direct traffic.

Thanks for stopping by, you stay classy ... Planet Earth


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