Hello once again everyone, I trust you have all had a great Christmas time, The fact that you are reading this shows that the predicted apocalypse, by the league of old people, never in fact happened. In fact my local shop (For local people) jumped on the bandwagon, and by analysing the purchasing habits of the over 60's bought in extra bread. But because we are all still here, admittedly groaning about all the extra pounds those 3 tins of sweets and dozens of mince pies put on, they had excess stocks which they have been selling off cheap. This has confused the oldies no end. Anyway in celebration of the fact that we are still free, I'm doing an end of year special blog, containing my best bits from the year. Where to start, well that's easy, 2011 saw me first put fingers to keyboard and publish this dirge I call Deans Weekly Blog. It started out innocent enough with a work project that saw us attend a seminar on social networking for businesses, the idea that a blog will engage your audience and give them an insight into the people behind the site. Well as a practise run to get me used to blogging, I created this little baby, what to write about though ?? dunno I can't think of a specific topic so I'll just post the random thoughts swirling round my head. And so Deans Weekly Blog was born, heralded by a fanfare of angels and the majesty of three wise travelling magi, who came to present their gifts to me of gold, frankincense and myrrh. No wait that was the little baby Jesus. No it was a rather subdued affair with a little post, but it has now grown to be one of the Internets most popular sites (not actually) and I'm proud of it like a father, standing there watching him sleeping in his little manger whilst all the donkeys and cows in the stable are looking on. Hang on that's the little baby Jesus again, but you get my drift.
Also this year, 2011 has also been the year that the Internet has exploded with new memes that have taken over the world. For those of you that don't know what a meme is the official explanation. is An Internet meme is an idea that is propagated through the World Wide Web. The idea may take the form of a hyperlink, video, picture, website, hashtag, or just a word or phrase. whilst this may still sound alien to you, you've probably come across them or spread them unintentionally, One of the biggest this year again has been the lolcats, the pictures of cute cats either doing something ridiculous or cute pictures with a funny slogan on. see image. Now you get it, These can take the form, of videos as well. Rebbecca Black started out as an Internet meme that grew and grew until it made her the most viewed You Tube video of the year. The craze of planking was one of this years biggest memes, with people taking photos of themselves laying horizontally in strange places. My personal favourite from this year though has to be the Chuck Testa meme, if you haven't seen this yet (Where have you been on the Internet) I've embedded it below, if you have seen it enjoy it again as it never fails to amuse. Next week I'll let you in the secret meme project I've been working on along with a whole new look blog.
Also this year wouldn't be complete without mentioning introducing my hyper active seven year old son to the awesomeness that is the Star Wars Saga. Over a period of six weeks we watched the entire saga, in release order I might add instead of chronological order (Which slightly annoyed me), now he's hooked and has been bombarded with Star Wars related merchandise for his Birthday and Christmas. I mean who wouldn't enjoy having a lightsaber battle with their son. So at the end of 2011 I would like to wish all my readers a Happy New Year and here's to 2012, may the new year bring us everything we want, like wealth, moderate fame, a hot girlfriend, an end to global poverty, an explanation as to why Katie Price exists, the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle, an episode of Eastenders that doesn't make you feel suicidal and doesn't contain any stereotypes whatsoever, the invention of cars that run on tapwater etc ... Enjoy the new year like its your last (as according to the Maya it is) Happy New Year everyone
PS if you would like the position of hot girlfriend then please feel free to message me
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