Now thats what I call a good deal !! |
Hello again everyone and welcome to another edition of Deans Weekly Blog, although this week the title weekly might need adjusting. Last weeks blog never actually got posted. This was due to a combination of factors, mainly due to the worlds crappiest Internet connection, and the amount of real life activities that I had to take care of. But fear not, this week I've actually posted both posts, so it's almost like a special offer for all my readers. Buy one blog post, get another free (I know I don't actually charge for the blog posts, but I will gratefully receive any donations that you care to make. I promise to use them for the good of mankind as well, first on my list will be a new router, to make sure that everyone can still get the quality entertainment that is Deans Weekly Blog). At work I've been working on some promotions for the website as well, so maybe I'll roll some of the fantastic ideas out on this site as well. How about free delivery, would you like that? Imagine having the worlds greatest blog (Not including Matt Fowlers IGN Wrestling Wrap Up blog, which is almost but not quite as good as mine, although it does contain more cats) delivered free to your computer every week. I know with amazing deals like this I'm surprised the company still exists right! I could even throw in a free gift now and again. Deans Weekly Blog, free cat picture with every order. The point of all this, if there actually is one, is that I couldn't really decide how to open the blog this week, and by writing Deans Weekly Blog a few times in the post it will help to push up my google rankings. Now how's that for self promotion.
And Then !!!! |
This week as a treat from my son, he decided to buy us a McDonald's (Other fast food restaurants are available and are also as useless). The thing that made me mention this is that for the company that virtually invented the concept of the drive thru restaurant. They still haven't figured out how to do it properly. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said that every time I've ever used the drive thru (and to be honest it's not that often as being a bit of a fussy eater, when I usually ask for a quarter pounder with cheese, but no sauce, I get met with looks that are reserved for someone who had asked to inappropriately touch their pet, in fact I'd probably get a better response, "Can I have that without sauce please? .... No sir but you can teabag my dog!", anyway back on track where was I ... ahhh yes) every time I use the drive thru, they get the order wrong in some shape or fashion. It's now that bad that there is a sign on the window where you collect your food "Please check your order, as mistakes cannot be rectified afterwards" I say no. Here's a tip McDonald's, instead of employing spotty teenage dropouts, and thinking that you can actually turn them in to decent up standing citizens, why not actually employ people who have a good understanding of the English language, and have the ability to read the order on the fancy computer system, instead of chatting with sue about getting laid by that boy behind the cinema on Friday night. Maybe just maybe, then you might get the order right first Fucking time. I know controversial, and it's not that I'm against giving people who's only other career opportunity is probably prostitution a chance, but after 60 years of providing this service, you would imagine that a company as large as McDonald's has figured this out by now. And if your not down with that I've got two words for ya ......."Customer Service"
What da HEEYALL !! |
Also this week I've been rolling around on the floor at Booker T isms from Smackdown. Now for those of you that don't watch wrestling or think that it's rubbish (which is probably most of you), Booker T is an ex wrestler who now commentates on Smackdown. The thing is that he is unintentionally the funniest thing on the planet, and has now become something of an Internet cult hero. Me and Lewis have been on the floor this week, whilst searching for clips on You Tube. The thing is what we would love more than anything is for all the clips to be available on a soundboard. So when I get a bit of free time, I'm planning on designing and building one. Although my track record at the moment for having free time is, lets just say a little on the rubbish side. But never fear in the next couple of weeks I will get one built and post it on here, so that all my readers can then enjoy the delights that are "WHAAT DA HEEYAALLLL !!!!" and other such golden moments as "SOMEBODY CALL DA PO-LICE!! and "TELL ME HE DID NOT JUST SAY DAT!!" and everyone's all time favourite "SHUCKY DUCKY ..... QUACK QUACK!" you know you wanna.
Right that's it for another week, I'll see you all on the flip side hombres !!!
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