Oh no it's happened again |
Well hello, fancy seeing you here again, have you come for the entertainment. After the previous weeks poor showing, I'm surprised you returned. But hopefully I'll make this weeks blog post at least a little bit entertaining. So where do we start this week, well funny you should ask that, as that's a question that I have been asking myself all week. And more importantly how did we end up here! I'm not talking about the birds and the bees, we all know that a bird makes love with a bee and gets stung and dies, at least in my experience it does, no what I'm actually on about is my new hobby. It's not an intentional hobby, or even a creative one, in fact if anything it's quite time consuming and definitely annoying. What is this hobby, it's Wikipedia surfing. What usually happens is that I look up an article about something that I'm interested in, or need to research, and after a million different pages, I end up at a completely different and irrelevant article. The worst part about this is that I often wonder how the hell I got there, and can't seem to logically trace my path. Maybe i should write some sort of Internet surfing flowchart, so I know what the hell I've been doing when I find myself still sat at the computer 4 hours after I started. I would imagine it would make fascinating reading, either that or completely pointless and time consuming. For next weeks blog I'll hopefully try and map one out for you all to read.
Going to the shops will never be the same |
One of my American friends came up with a throwaway comment this week and called me "Extreme Dean", this set my mind racing with the possibilities that this could present. So with a little thought and some of my patent madness thrown in, I've come up with a future feature for the blog, but in the medium of video. Bear with me on this while I explain the concept. Extreme Dean will be short video skits featuring me "Dean" doing everyday tasks and jobs, the only difference is that I'll try to do them as extreme as possible. Imagine seeing me washing the dishes, but in an extreme style, with scolding hot water, or using half a bottle of washing up liquid, imagine EXTREME. I'm even having the artwork designed as we speak for the videos, so keep an eye out on our
you tube channel for the first instalments of "Extreme Dean". You never know I might even make more than 3 videos before I get bored of the idea, or I don't have time anymore (I thought I'd mention this to save you all the bother of commenting)
Nearly finished |
Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while (And if you haven't, they are all available in the archive section, so get reading) you will remember that I used to be Doncasters top paper folder, well times have progressed and I no longer fold paper in my spare time, I now have turned my constructive talents to building massive project in minecraft. As you can see from the image, my last complete project was the Starship Enterprise NCC1701A, you can find a full video tour of the ship on the gamer 4 life you tube channel, linked above. For the record, I never designed the build, it was built from a schematic that I downloaded. I'm currently on with another project which will be revealed later. The point of all this rambling (There actually is one this week) is that instead of the papercraft links that were on my download page, I'm going to put the minecraft schematics that I have built up there for other people to download and construct. Plus I'll put the link in for the program to read the schematics, so be sure to check the page and download your copy.
As a final treat for all my readers, seeing as how my last blog was so poor, here's one of my favourite Harlem shake videos for you all to look at, and ponder wtf.
That's it for this week, and I'll see you all again soon, and remember "if you're going to do something, do it extreme"
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