The Californian mountain lion, waiting to pounce! |
G'day folks this is a special edition of Deans Weekly Blog, brought to you from the land of down under, yes that's right cobbers the Good Ol' US of A. I can detect a puzzled vibe coming from my readers at this point, so like a bad 80's Sc-Fi show, let me rewind and go back in time to explain the opening segment of the episode. I was having a conversation at work with a couple of my colleagues, one of them spends his entire time doing different regional accents from around the world. This particular incident involved a rather good American accent, so good in fact that I was convinced that he was a genuine American, you know lives in one of the greatest industrial countries in the world, and a global super power, still builds his house out of wood (maybe someone should tell him that by mining stone you'll get cobblestone, which is a substantially better building material than wood, and is perfect for keeping big bad wolfs at bay) anyway I'm digressing as usual. So my colleague was doing an American accent, and I said "why are you speaking Australian?" you know what I mean, it was one of those moments where your brain knows the exact word you need, but decides to replace it with another one that you never meant to say. It happens a lot to me, especially when I'm talking to attractive girls. What my brain wants to say is something along the lines of "Hi, how are you? you look pretty" and what actually comes out of my mouth is probably something more along the lines of "Hi .... erm.... erm my cat is fluffy" Anyway my mixing up of the words caused great amusement and has lead to one of the greatest work based memes ever being produced. There has been over 200 Snapchats sent of Steve, and Jamie confusing American things with Australian things. There hasn't been a moment that has passed without someone turning round and saying something along the lines of "Strewth mate, just been down to New York, and guess what I saw there? a bloody Koala" etc ... It's quite a hard phenomenon to write about as it's a very visual thing. One day I'll have footage to show you, and you'll laugh, oh how you'll laugh
Meet my eldest son, Bog snake !! |
Also in the office, (you could almost say that this is an office special), the latest rib that is doing the rounds is the pictionary post-it note game. When I'm away from my desk and someone take a call for me, rather than writing it on the note, I'm now presented with a series of crudely drawn images to try and decipher who has rung for me and what the message is. As you can imagine this has prompted much hilarity and the occasional blunder by myself in guessing the clues. Okay, okay I admit it, sometimes as smart and as clever as I can be, I do also lapse into occasional blond moments where I have no earthly clue as to what is actually going on. But don't tell anyone, It'll ruin my street cred. Anyway, one day I was greeted to a post it note with the following symbols drawn on it. A wedding ring. A toilet, and a snake going hiss?
I'll give you a moment to see if you can work out the clues whilst I play some cheesy elevator music .......
Okay, did you get it? I didn't I was racking my brain for the solution for half an hour, going through what I thought were all the possible permutations in my head. I still couldn't come up with the answer. The actual answer is of course Ring Lewis (my son) Ring, (the wedding ring) Lew (the toilet - loo) and Hiss (the noise the snake was making) The nearest I could get to though in my brain was ring bog snake!. I'm thinking I don't know a bog snake (what you talking about Willis?) so I was completely stumped, until Steve told me what it meant. The upshot of this little tale, if ever there was one, is that Lewis is now known affectionately at work now as Bog snake!
The Internet has come to my rescue as well recently. I've had to cancel my television subscriptions recently, and though that my life would become an empty void of entertainment. There is only so many times that you can watch old DVD box sets over and over, so I was worried that I'd have nothing to entertain me. How wrong I was, I love the Internet, the Internet is fantastic. Thanks to things like Netflix, the WWE network etc ... I now have discovered some absolutely classic TV that I may have missed or not seen for ages. The problem is now I don't have the time to watch everything that I find. I've started watching so many series that I'm getting into that I have to schedule time to try and catch up on the latest episodes. I've come to the conclusion that the Internet is the greatest invention ever. Sir Tim Berners Lee, didn't just envisage a world when people can communicate with each other electronically from wherever they are on the planet. We've also now got endless entertainment on tap, endless amounts of cat pictures and some of the funniest gif's that have ever been produced. Take note people If you don't live your life on the Internet, you're missing out. It's the place to be, where all the cool kids hang out, and cats are the leaders of the revolution.
That's it for this episode, I'm going to head off back to the outback, and chase some Kangaroo's around the New Mexico desert.
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