Washing Up Liquid, Rice Pudding and 4000 Holes

Good day to you squire and welcome to Deans Weekly Blog, Officially One of your five a day. Having being on a bit of an economy drive recently I've been buying some no name products, under the false belief that they would be cost effective. How mistaken was I?, I bought some washing up liquid the other day, and I've gotta tell you, Its rubbish you need half the bottle to even suggest to the water that it might like to produce bubbles. What tickled me though (and you can tell that I possibly need psychiatric help) Is that the label proudly proclaimed that It wasn't tested on animals. The only thing that came into my mind was, I'm not suprised. If Peter Rabbit wanted to wash up after his woodland Tea Party, He'd struggle. I'm not suprised it isn't tested on animals. I mean what company needs that kind of bad publictity from angry woodland creatures.

Those of you that know me well, will know that i'm the worlds fussiest eater. so finding things to eat can be quite hard. Because of this I often tend to find that once i've found something I like, I tend to eat it repeatedly untill I get bored of it. This week has seen the return of rice pudding, more specifically the variety with different flavours from the famous purveyors of yoghurt. The only problem being is that I'm becoming overrun with little plastic pots. I'm sure if I put my mind to it I'll be able to invent something so watch this space.

"I read the news today .... Oh boy, 4000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire" thats right I have a special treat for you all this week. A Day In the Life, a litttle video I've put together taken from a day in my life. I've taken a photo every now and then and pasted them all into a quick video. I hope you enjoy it, it took a lot of time to make (A full day as the title says), And I got a lot of funny looks from people in the local shop and ASDA for taking random photos. But hopefully it was all worth it. PS I apologise for the intro, but the geek in me couldn't resist, and besides what did you really expect from me ?????? 

Thanks I'll see you all next week. Please send the BAFTA to my home address


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