Eagle Eyes, Tear Strips and Bananas In Pyjamas

Hello there and welcome. First of all I'd like to apologise as the eagle eyed (Like the original Action Man with the shaved hair, the scar on the face that says "Hey I've seen some action, maybe with your mum", The slot in the back of the head that lets you move those eagle eyes around, The Kung Fu like grip hands that used to be able to hang of a ledge indefinitely, Till your mum took him down "Dean whats your Action man doing hanging of the Wall unit?" "Its not a wall unit mum, Its Mt Everest, and now those pesky Russians are going to get to the base at the top first. The ability to not feel threatened about his sexuality whilst rocking a nice Knitted jumper that your mum made) Anyway where was I, Ah yes, The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed that the blog is a day late. This is because I actually died yesterday from this bad cold that I have. I spent most of the day in bed sleeping, so I apologise for the lateness, but chin up as here it is.

Now I can open these Bourbons!

I have been defeated again this week by my old nemesis, the Tear Strip (cue evil sounding fanfare). Now I don't know what it is with tear strips or if its just me, but the bloody things never, ever seem to work at all. You get your packet of biscuits ready to dunk them into your freshly made cuppa, you spend half an hour trying to find the little red bit to find out that its been stuck down by accident. you finally get it in your hand a pull, and what happens, yes it rips about half an inch from where you started. So you spend the next ten minuets pulling and prodding and tearing at the end of the packet to try at get in and find that you've managed to crush must of the biscuits and your cuppa is cold. Its not just biscuits, I also have problems with the big plastic bottles of milk. the seal on the top has a little bit on it you pull to pull the seal off. not in my case, you end up with the little bit in your hand and half the seal still attached to the bottle. I bet I look like those chimps you see on nature programmes, "And here we have the common garden chimp, a very clever creature that sometimes has been known to use tools to help it solve everyday problem, lets see if we can see one of these marvellous creatures in action whilst opening this bottle of milk, ah yes, the seal at the top of the bottle appears to have remained attached how will the garden chimp deal with this, as you can see he has resorted to using tools and has grabbed a massive carving knife out the kitchen draw and is now attempting to cut round the seal, showing such dexterity for these creatures as he swiftly removes the sticking seal and only stabs himself in the hand once in the process, Remarkable"

Whats that B1 Becci is coming to see us
Also this weekend my sister is taking the first steps of an epic journey across to the other side of the world as she leaves to visit Australia for a month. (Jealous!) so I though I'd dedicate the last section of the blog this week to all things Australian, Now I know what you'll all be thinking that I'll come up with all the obvious stereotypes like Crocodile Dundee, and "throw another shrimp on the barbie mate", no because that's not how my mind works at all, I'm much more complicated and random than that. The two things that in my head (A very strange place) that say Australia to me are first, The legend that is Alf Stewart from Home and Away and his immortal catchphrase "You flaming Galah!" now if you didn't know The Galah is an Australian pink parrot, but it's often used as a slang term to mean Fool, or idiot. The second thing and probably my favourite and I know it's my sons as well is probably the greatest TV show to ever leave the continent. No not neighbours, Home and Away nor even Sons & Daughters. No its the immortal Bananas in Pyjamas. The Australian TV show of this kids classic is the greatest thing I can ever remember watching. Now if my sister was to bring me a gift back from her travels yes a didgeridoo, or a hat with corks on it would be great, but wouldn't be in the same league as Bananas in Pyjamas merchandise. I mean who in their right mind (Ed i would like to point out at this time that Dean is still on medication and may be hallucinating) wouldn't want a Bananas in Pyjamas plush toy. I would.

Right I'm going now to look at some Knitting patterns with Action Man, we've found a nice Arron cardigan that I think will make him look proper bo. Toodles


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