Dolls Heads, Kittys and The Random Quiz

You want me to drink from that ??
Hello and welcome to this weeks dose of madness. Don't worry no gardening tips this week, but instead I've got a special treat lined up for you at the end of the blog, in the shape of my quiz. If you enjoy it please feel free to comment. But first, Sometimes I can be quite vocal with my insults, especially if someone or something annoys me. Those of you that know me will know that I have certain phrases that I use quite a lot. One of my most used is calling people who do stupid things "Dolls heads". My boss asked me the other day where the phrase came from as myself and a couple of other people use it quite a lot a work (Maybe because there is a few Dolls Heads there ... Joke). And she had never heard the phrase before. To be honest I can't remember where I picked the phrase up from, I've always seemed to use it. So I did some searching on the Internet, asking god. And believe it or not I can't find an explanation for it anywhere after a week of research. So if anyone knows where the phrase comes from then please let me know as I'm now intrigued as well. The funny thing is that whilst researching the phrase "Dolls Head" I've come across loads of people who use them for some sort of horror effect. People are making dolls heads with eyes popping out, and blood running down the faces. Some people have even turned them into creepy Halloween glasses for parties.(See Picture) But my question is this? Why are dolls heads so disturbing? what is it about a child's toy that when we look at just the head or other doll parts it installs a sense of horror in you. Its really quite disturbing. My sister used to have an old china type doll with its hair falling out, and eyes that didn't work properly. That thing was proper disturbing, it really used to freak me out at times. I'm sure it was alive. I'm shuddering now thinking about it !!

Quick fetch the emergency blog kitten
Also what is it about cats and the Internet. Now I've never been a massive cat lover, I've always had dogs. But for some reason and I'm not the only one here (honest). The Internet and especially the gaming community has exploded with cat pictures, lolcat memes and just general catting about. myself included. I'm the admin of a popular gaming page on Facebook ( Gamer 4 Life shamless plug there).. Now we tend to post news and reviews on gaming topics and we seem to get a steady response of comments and likes etc. We've also taken to posting random pictures of cats doing stupid or silly things, and the attention these posts get is unbelievable. Like I said its not only us, if you go on you tube you can find millions of videos of cats doing strange things. The lolcat phenomenon has taken the Internet by storm the past couple of years, you cant go on any site without seeing a picture of a cat with the funny text placed over the top. So what is it about our furry feline friends that has millions and millions of gamers, geeks, nerds and even average posters, going mad for cats. I'm baffled, but the phenomenon has got a plus side because whenever I can't think of anything to write, all I need to do is bring out the emergency blog kitten, and all is well in the world again. So thank you little kittys YOU ROCK !!!

Deans Random Quiz

Have you ever wondered how random you actually are?, well this fantastic quiz can give you the answers to this and a great many of life's mysteries.
  1. Why am I taking this quiz ??

  2. Nothing better to do
    I'm intrigued
    I thought I was searching for cat pictures and ended up here instead

  3. Who shot first ??

  4. Han
    I don't care but if George Lucas changes the Star Wars films again, then I'll scream

  5. Captain Picard or Captain Kirk ??

  6. Jean Luc Picard
    James T Kirk
    Kathryn Janeway

  7. Beans On Toast or With Toast ??

  8. On Toast
    With Toast
    In a small pot at the side so it doesn't actually touch the bread because you're weird

  9. Are you psychic ??

  10. Yes
    No but I can sense a disturbance in the force

  11. Did you know I was going to ask the last question ??

  12. Yes
    Now your just being stupid

  13. Did you lie on the previous two questions ??

  14. Erm no
    Maybe just a little
    Why what are you going to do about it ??

  15. What is the point of Katie Price ??

  16. Dunno

  17. Can you lick your own elbow ??

  18. Yes
    What sort of weird question is that ?

  19. Did you try ??

  20. Yes
    Now your just being stupid

  21. Do you find pictures of cats on the Internet ... ??

  22. Funny
    Slightly arousing
    By mistake when using the search term pussy

  23. On the Internet, No one knows you're a ... ??

  24. A dog
    A trained assassin
    A geek with no friends

  25. How do you prefer Kit Kats ??

  26. Four Fingers
    Two Fingers

  27. Are these questions pointless ??

  28. No of course not, it's very insightful
    Yes, I'm bored
    Where's the quit button

  29. Why don't you .... ??

  30. Get outta your lazy bed
    Switch of your TV set and do something less boring instead
    Go forth and multiply

  31. Whats your favourite Chuck Norris fact ??

  32. Chuck Norris doesn't sleep ... he waits
    Chuck Norris doesn't dial wrong numbers, you just answer the wrong phone
    Chuck Norris doesn't need twitter, he's already following you

  33. Why is Smurfette the only female smurf, and if so where did all the smurfs come from ??

  34. Wow that's deep
    Smurfs ??
    ts a cartoon and has no real deep meaning

  35. Have you ever been cow tipping ??

  36. Yes
    Whats that ?

  37. Would you like to go ??

  38. Not really
    What IS COW TIPPING !! ?
    Sign me up

  39. Clarkson, May or Hammond ??

  40. Clarkson

  41. Is this quiz over yet ??

  42. Oh god not more
    Please, don't stop
    ZZZZZZZZ !!!

  43. When you take a bite out of a Jaffa cake do you say , Half Moon

  44. Of course I do
    No I eat it in one and say , Total eclipse
    Why would I do that ?

  45. What you talking about willis ????

  46. This question makes no sense
    Wow great different strokes reference
    What you talking about ?

  47. Has anybody found sexy yet, and will you fetch it back as Justin Timberlake is still looking for i

  48. Ooooh Justin Timberlake
    It never left, baby !!
    I think I saw it at the park, on the big slide

  49. Facebook or Twitter ??

  50. Facebook
    I'll just write you a note instead

That's the end of my blog for this week. If you've enjoyed it then please feel free to tell as many people as you can how awesome I am. And If they don't believe you, then they're not good friends.

Adios Amigos !


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